
Steve Schmidt: What Trump Said About George Floyd ‘Is Something that Could Only Come Out of the Mouth of a Sociopath’

‘There has never been a leader who has failed more spectacularly history’s past than Donald Trump’
By Grabien Staff

SCHMIDT:  “What Donald Trump said about George Floyd today is something that could only come out of the month of a sociopath. Somebody who has no respect for the sanctity of human life. A man was murdered. He was murdered on a image on TV that we’ve now all seen. Life was snuffed out for eight torturous minutes. And for Donald Trump to tell us that it’s a good day for that man and his family is despicable and amoral and it shows the type of man and the type of character we have sitting in the most powerful office in the world with access to the most powerful military and the most powerful weapons and it should be frightening for all of us as Donald Trump continues his assault on American liberty and American freedom and democracy. The protesters are fighting for those things. This is Trump who is threatening them."

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