
‘Stop Dealing with Them. Cut Off Their Money Right Away’: Adam Boehler on How the U.S. Should Handle Iran

‘Stand steadfast in your support of Israel and other Arab countries will rally over time’
By Grabien Staff


BOEHLER: "Two things I would say, stop dealing with them. Cut off their money right away. Number two, stand steadfast in your support of Israel and other Arab countries will rally over time. That is what I think needs to happen. I think the relaxing of sanctions on Iran, dollars going into Iran, that has to stop. It has to be clear it will stop right now and the United States has to be very strong in its support. What’s going to happen over the next few days is Israel's response you are going to have a lot of people talk about civilian casualties, there are going to be some because of how Hamas operates. We need to be very clear in our support here."

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