
Sununu Says He’s Not Concerned with Fmr. Gov. Haley’s Chances of Winning the Primary in Her Home State

‘That’s a month away’
By Grabien Staff


SUNUNU: "Yes, look, that's — that's a month away. I'm, to be honest, not even looking at that. Right now, I'm looking at the next 72 hours. We're going like gangbusters. She's crisscrossing the state, she's hitting every voter, she's going everywhere, she's talking to everybody. No one else is doing that. She's the only one really campaigning the right way here. You know, Trump flies in, he does his — well, it wasn't even that big of a rally. The guy had to curtain off half of the stadium so it didn't look empty, and then flies out of here. So she's just doing it a fundamentally different way."

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