
Supercut: Trump Critics Would Never Use a Term Like ‘Bloodbath’

By Grabien Staff


MADDOW: “But as reports tonight on the ‘bloodbath’ at the RNC...”
UNKNOWN: “Headlines calling it a ‘bloodbath.’”
VITALI: “It’ll be a bloodbath. Not only is it going to be a bloodbath, but after they leave New Hampshire, it’s a bloodbath on her home turf. That’s really tough.”
BURNS: “And Trump has left a lot of corpses in his wake. I mean, we haven’t counted the bodies.”
BURNETT: “As part of the ‘MAGA drive to take over Maricopa County,’ and the headline refers to it as an impending bloodbath.”
BRZEZINSKI: “Columnist Charles Blow has a new piece for The New York Times entitled ‘A Biden Blood Bath?’”

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