
Swalwell: The Mueller Investigation Is Very Much Under Control

‘These investigations typically take years’
By Grabien Staff


CAVUTO: "You know a lot more than I know about this, congressman. You’re much closer than I certainly am or ever will be, but I get a lot of hints from Mr. Caputo and others seemingly saying, whatever this investigation started out to be, it’s veered from that and to his point about being asked very little about Russian collusion, the judge who is hearing the Paul Manafort case, his people, the former campaign chairman, asking that all charges be dropped that he has criticized Mueller folks going above and beyond and leveraging off charges for other charges. Something seems to have gotten out of control. The president as you know called it a witch hunt.
SWALWELL: "The investigation is very much under control. It actually hasn’t even been a year long since Bob Mueller has been put in place. These investigations typically take years. You have foreign witnesses, complicated financial transactions, a number of people using different communication plastic forms, travelling all over the globe. I will say they seem to be moving quite expeditiously, what I’ve seen on our committee. The rushes— Russians hacked e-mails and to popadopolous and Donald Trump, Jr. And invited Russia to hack further. And there are things to—"

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