
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Trump’s ‘White Supremacy’ Harkens to Era of ‘Slave Holders’

‘It’s always the white supremacist who is being offended
By Grabien Staff


COATES: “I don’t know what ESPN’s policy is terms of politics. I can’t speak of appropriateness of, you know, what happened to her. But I can speak to the offense taken of, for instance Sarah Huckabee Sanders and now, you know, Donald Trump, himself. This is characters, as I said, in all of it is truculent, you know, sanctimonious power. This is what white supremacists tend to do going back to the days of slave holders, who insisted that the North was trying to subjugate them and turn them into actual slaves. It’s always the white supremacist who is being offended. It's always been him that something is done to. So I think it’s pretty characteristic and awful.”

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