
Tammy Bruce: Lawmakers’ Changing Accusations Against Trump Proves It’s a Witch Hunt

‘They still haven’t found what they were looking for’
By Grabien Staff


BRUCE: "Witch-hunt of seeking out someone someone punishing someone having an opinion or point of view unapproved of or threatening to you. Technically you could argue that indeed. At the same time, you are looking at after years of hearings, a year of other investigations, the FBI in Congress. They still haven’t found what they were looking for because this has been a hunt for something as opposed to the investigation of something. And, yet, it continues. So, this, I think, is will he jets mat. The American people are also seeing this become something new. We sought argument about collusion go away. They didn’t find the evidence for collusion. Now it’s changed to something else. This is what we will see for years if, in fact, we don’t confront the nature of what is happening. Not only when it comes to the intelligence services which now you can argue are also targeting the president. But Congress never trumpers the system as well."

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