
Tara Setmayer: DeSantis Is ‘White-Splaining Slavery to Black Lawmakers’

‘And I don’t see how he comes back from it, but, you know, good luck with that’
By Grabien Staff


SETMAYER: “So, Ron DeSantis, I’ve never seen someone trip over their arrogance so much at a time when they’re supposed to be resetting their campaign. Can we just recap the week? You did a great job of explaining the idea that he’s white-splaining to black Republicans the slavery issue. He also had to — we forgot that he also had to cut staff, including a Nazi sympathizer who was on his staff. That’s not a great look when you’re trying to do a campaign reset. And he’s hemorrhaging donors. The Miami Herald put out a report this week that discussed how he’s also hemorrhaging white, college-educated Republicans. They don’t want to vote for him. So he’s going in the wrong direction and it’s been an absolute disarray for him, for Ron DeSantis. And I don’t see how he comes back from it, but, you know, good luck with that. When you’re that arrogant and aloof, it’s not a winning combination, particularly when you have to be a retail politician in places like Iowa."

(via Mediaite)

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