
Tara Setmayer: Trump Was ‘Encouraging’ Police to ‘Engage in Police Brutality’

‘He should apologize to the men and women who do their jobs well’
By Grabien Staff

SETMAYER: "Given the environment we’re in in this country where a police officers the good ones are under attack because of what some incidents that have happened and the dynamics between police and communities, the discussion has been going on for a couple of years since Ferguson really set that off, this is so disrespectful to the men and women who go out there every day and conduct themselves with character, integrity and dignity and take their job very seriously. So if the president of the United States encouraging them to basically engage in police brutality. That is just — it’s un-american. It’s very dictatorial, something you see in places like Venezuela where you have these dictators that rough people up. That’s not America."

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