
TDS’ Kosta: ‘Between Trump and Elon, When Did All These Macho Men Become Such Pussies?’

‘They start whining like my kid when I tell him he can’t watch ‘Cars 2’ for the 8th time today’


KOSTA: “I’m sorry, but between Trump and Elon, when did all these macho men become such pussies? Aren’t you the ones who complain about snowflakes and liberal victimhood? When Elon bought Twitter he was like “This is the free speech town square, baby!” But then anytime somebody criticizes him he’s like “The town square is closed for repairs!” It’s terrible. Teddy Roosevelt’s critics shot him during a speech and he didn’t even go to the hospital. Which shows one, how tough he is and two, how terrible healthcare was back then. [Laughter] But these “alpha” males today get one tough question, and they start whining like my kid when I tell him he can’t watch “Cars 2” for the 8th time today.”

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