
Ted Lieu on Security Clearances: If This Was Anyone But Kushner, They Would Be in a Lot of Trouble

‘We hope they open the investigation’
By Grabien Staff


JACKSON: "Have you heard from the Department of Justice yet on this?"
LIEU: "We have not. We just recently sent them the letter. We have a new attorney general. We don’t know what Bill Barr thinks. I hope looks at the facts and the law. And it's very clear, if this was anyone but Jared Kushner, they would be in a lot of trouble right now."
JACKSON: "What do you realistically hope to get out of this? Do you realistically think the Attorney General will respond in the way you hope he would to this request?"
LIEU: "We do hope they open the investigation. That is not a difficult ask. And if career prosecutors simply were to look at the facts, they would open investigation. What Jared Kushner did in leaving out his meetings at Trump Tower, leaving out over 100 foreign contacts, those raise all sorts of red flags the CIA and FBI raised when they denied him the clearance, only to be overruled by Donald Trump."

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