
Texas Father Reads Book with ‘Graphic’ Gay Sex in School Board Meeting: We Were Asked to ‘Refrain from Using Certain Language’

‘However, I just feel like parents need to stop auto parenting’
By Grabien Staff


OCKMAN: "So, the school has not responded to us in this way about this or since that meeting. However, that night, the school trustees allowed us to read those passages, only once did they stop one of the parents from reading and asked her to refrain from using certain language — "
INGRAHAM: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Jay, wait. You all are reading passages from the book — books that they have in the library and they are defending, implicitly at least -- they have not responded to us either — and they are telling you to stop reading it? So the adults can’t read it, but the kids can read it?"
OCKMAN: "Exactly. That is the hypocrisy."
INGRAHAM: "Oh, that makes a lot of sense."

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