
‘That Is Astonishing!’ CNN’s Erin Burnett Stuns Panel with Details of Trump Alleged Attempt to ‘Destroy Evidence of a Crime’

‘It does appear this individual cooperated’
By Grabien Staff


BURNETT: “They lay this out again, employing number four as the director of information technology for Mar a Lago. And it does appear this individual cooperated. So De Oliveira goes into the office, talks to employee number four, takes him to a small room, pulls them away from everybody and tells this individual, I want this conversation to remain between the two of us and asks how many days the server retains the video. The person responds about 45 days and then De Oliveira insisted to Trump employee four that the boss wanted the server deleted and asked, What are we going to do? It’s… It’s all here.”

(Via Mediaite)

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