
The Chris Salcedo Show Preamble: Never Accept the Premises of Left Wingers

‘Never accept the premises of the left’
By Grabien Staff


SALCEDO: "If a left-winger is saying something, 99.9 percent of the time, sane people should challenge it. And I leave room for not challenging everything because, like a stopped watch, left-wingers do have the capacity to be correct on occasion. For example, far-left social media poster Joe Walsh, a former congressman, wandered into accuracy on Twitter saying, 'It's not complicated: If you believe your race is superior to other races, you are a racist.' That is true, something that intelligent people of good will can agree upon. But this burst of common sense is so rare from the left that every sane person's default should be to challenge every premise offered by devotees to their backward ideology of liberal extremism. Never accept the premises of the left-wingers — words to live by in today’s preamble.”

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