
The Hill’s Soave Loses It on His Co-Host Excusing Hamas: ‘I Don’t Give a F**k, Briahna!’

‘They should apologize for their endorsement of terrorist attacks on innocent Israeli civilians!’
By Grabien Staff


GRAY: "So every leftist — wait a minute, Robby. Every leftist in America was asked to apologize for some random protest — "
SOAVE: "They should apologize! They should apologize for their endorsement of terrorist attacks on innocent Israeli civilians! Just as I am outraged by the retaliatory actions that are killing innocent Palestinian children everywhere! I care about both of these things and have said I care about both of these things over and over again. It is you and the idiotic leftist terrorist-sympathizing people who do not care about the dead Israelis. They don’t."
GRAY: "So I’m a terrorist sympathizer?"
SOAVE: "And they’ve said it over and over again. Black Lives Matter has said it. The Harvard students have said it. The DSA in various locations have said it. The left endorses what Hamas did. They do! They endorse it!"
GRAY: "The Harvard newspaper said exactly what the editorial page of Israel’s major newspaper said — "
SOAVE: "I don’t give a (bleep), Briahna!"
GRAY: "Okay, well, that’s clear. That’s your opinion. But the Israeli voices in Israel, who are getting killed because their fascist right-wing government decides to keep 2.3 million people — "
SOAVE: "The Israelis are getting killed because a terrorist group targeted them, and they bear responsibility for what they did."

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