
‘The President’s Allies on Defense’: Fox Plays a Montage of Media and Dems Defending Hunter Biden

Rep. Goldman: ‘Congress needs to stop investigating a private citizen and stop this fishing expedition’
By Grabien Staff


GOLDMAN: “Congress needs to stop investigating a private citizen and stop this fishing expedition to try to Link President Biden to Hunter Biden’s conduct.”

CONNOLLY: “Hunter Biden is being subjected here to a level of not only scrutiny, but accountability that most mere mortals would not.”

REID: “Hunter Biden — he could be a terrible guy, I don’t know, never met him — is being treated worse than anyone else would be.”

MITCHELL: “This is the son of the president. He’s not the candidate. He’s not a political officer. Doesn’t even begin to compare to classified documents and to the indictment here in D.C.”

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