
‘The View’ Discusses NYC Migrant Wave: ‘They Need To Be Resettled Elsewhere’

By Grabien Staff

(Via RealClearPolitics)


NAVARRO: “There are four countries that are providing -- where most of these migrants are coming from, one is Venezuela where there is a communist dictator Maduro, another is Nicaragua where there is a communist dictator, Ortega, another is Cuba where there is a communist dictatorship of over 60 years, and another is Haiti where it is complete bedlam, violence, danger, war. And so this is not -- this is not a federal problem. This is not an American problem. This is a regional problem. This is a world problem and I think it takes everybody sitting together, not being performative. What is being performative? Sending busloads of migrants to Kamala Harris's house or Martha's Vineyard or what Greg Abbott just did putting those drowning devices inside the Rio Grande, you know, to cause harm which the federal courts said were illegal and he needs to get rid of. That's performative. We need legislation. We need cooperation with other countries and cooperation with refugee resettlement programs worldwide so not everybody comes to the United States.”

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