
‘They Killed It and Now They Own It’: Hochul on Republicans Blocking the Bipartisan Bill on Migration Crisis

‘It would have been dramatically an improvement for us here in New York’
By Grabien Staff


HOCHUL: "They have basically broke it. And I say if you broke, it you own it now. And so they own this issue. And yes, it would have been dramatically an improvement for us here in New York. Money for our states and localities, we are in for 4.3 billion dollars alone, not even including with the city of New York is doing. So it is resources, but just to say no more at the border until we can get this under control. President Biden said he would immediately sign it, and say stop the flow of migration at this time, for now, until we can just catch a breath and deal with this. So, they killed it and now they own it."

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