
‘This Drug Is Toxic to the Heart, Period’: Marc Siegel on Marijuana

‘This study looked at 430,000 people’
By Grabien Staff


SIEGEL: “First of all, I’m not going to let her off the hook on the heart. There has been multiple studies in the past that have shown toxicity of marijuana on the heart. We are talking about tar, we are talking about carbon monoxide, we are talking about THC itself, which increases heart rate and she knows this. And it increases stress on the heart. This study looked at 430,000 people, Laura, and you could say it’s observational but it follows several studies, including one out of Baltimore that was not observational. This drug is toxic to the heart, period. Even if you took out the THC part. We know tar is toxic to the heart, we know carbon monoxide side is. We know it’s toxic to the lungs, we know it causes lung cancer, we know that it’s correlated with emphysema.”

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