
‘This Is a Pretty Coordinated Disinformation Campaign’: Ned Ryun on Blocking the LNG Export Facilities

‘It seems completely absurd that you have a 25-year-old TikTok boy coming in and really huddling with the Biden White House’
By Grabien Staff


RYUN: "I mean, on the surface, it seems completely absurd that you have a 25-year-old TikTok boy coming in and really huddling with the Biden White House. It just feels to me, Laura, being in D.C. for so long, this is a pretty coordinated disinformation campaign. TikTok boy, influencer, astroturf petition drive on TikTok, the communist Chinese platform probably getting paid for every 10,000 to 100,000 signatures by left climate activist group or someone who has big interest in the green energy record."

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