
‘This Is Really an Amazing Performance by Fox News’: Michael Pillsbury on the Historic Interviews with MBS and Netanyahu

‘I hope Rupert Murdoch sends some kind of thank you letter to Bret Baier for what he has done diplomatically as well as in the world of journalism’
By Grabien Staff


PILLSBURY: "The Saudis want a security guarantee like a defense treaty. They want permission to develop nuclear weapons if Iran goes nuclear. The Israelis want to keep their China contract that runs their main port of Haifa. The Israelis have given $2 billion to a Chinese company to manage their main port. There are a lot of issues that are still up in the air. I could recite a few more for you if you have all night. This is really an amazing performance by Fox News and frankly, I hope Rupert Murdoch sends some kind of thank you letter to Bret Baier for what he has done diplomatically as well as in the world of journalism."

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