
Tim Scott Rips Sec. Yellen for Her Past Comments that Black Women Having Abortions Is Good for the Economy

‘My mother chose life’
By Grabien Staff


SCOTT: "And when you have the second most powerful woman in all of the government, Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, walk into a banking hearing to talk about labor force participation rates, and she says that poor black women will have a better labor force participation rate if they have an abortion — "
BECK: "Oh my gosh."
SCOTT: " — as a kid who’s raised in poverty by a single black woman, I ran down to the Banking Committee and I asked her, I knew I misheard her, and she repeated it. When you have some of the most powerful voices in our country suggesting that abortion isn't even a decision you grapple with, but is a decision that helps your labor force participation, with tears welling in my eyes and anger in my voice, I thanked God Almighty that my mother chose life.”

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