
Tom Nichols: ‘People Want the TV show ... Trump Is Fun, He’s Interesting to Them’

‘They don’t want to be bored’
By Grabien Staff


NICHOLS: "Force in the world right now is resentment. Is deep-seated and mostly emotional and a rational resentment. And Trump, I think Matthew has a good point here. Trump tapped into that. He kind of mind that as a very rich vein of political support among people who hadn’t, had put into words this sort of itching feeling of inferiority and the sort of sense of being outsiders, even though ironically, the Republicans, as Trump went into 2016, were probably the most powerful they that far been they’d achieved unified national government by then. They control the majority of elected seats. Across the country, but Trump’s voters had a beef with the culture, which they felt wasn’t their culture. That it somehow didn’t respect them, and created this kind of itching, writhing sense of dissatisfaction that they need to express somehow. And Trump, who’s one genius, he’s an incredibly ignorant person, but he’s a genius at marketing, and he marketed that brilliantly. But I don’t think there’s much to be done about it now. You can’t really reason people out of that.” 

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