
Tom Perez on Bernie Boosting Cuba: ‘Democratic Party Has Been Very Clear in Standing up to Authoritarian Regimes’

‘The Democratic Party has been very clear in standing up to authoritarian regimes and this president hasn’t’


PEREZ: “Well, listen, chuck, I will let Senator Sanders and any candidate who speaks up on an issue speak for themselves on those particular issues. What I will say about this is the Democratic Party has been very clear if its on significance to authoritarian leaders. This is very personal for me, my family came to this country from the Dominican Republic, they had to flee a brutal dictator, they got kicked out and I can’t look at and nor can dom inn cans look at the resheem and see anything other than than authoritarian leader and era where human rights were not on the table and Cubans and Venezuelans and people who flew Marcos from the Philippines and elsewhere see it the same way. I think what’s really important from this is to make sure that all the candidates travel, whether it’s Florida to talk to Venezuelan Americans or dom inn cans or Cubans and listen to those stories because those stories are very similar to my own story. What is abundantly clear are two things, the Democratic Party has been very clear in standing up to authoritarian regimes and this president hasn’t. Why he continues to send love letters to North Korea is beyond me, why he continues to be Putin’s poodle is beyond me. We are less safe because of that.”

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