
Trans-Man Looks for Tampons for Men, Tells Retail Guy If Their Store Isn’t Inclusive If They Don’t Carry Those

‘I found your normal tampons... ‘
By Grabien Staff


UNKNOWN:" But I want the ones for men, not those."

STORE CLERK: "Um...I don't see the 'woman' on there. I think these are the ones for men."

UNKNOWN: "No, you see how it's all, like, pink and purple. I'm not trying to pay the pink tax on this. I just want normal tampons, you know, like, the ones marketed for men."

STORE CLERK: "For men?"

UNKNOWN: "Yeah."

STORE CLERK: "Oh, okay. I don't think they — I don't think they really have these."

UNKNOWN: "Well, they have to, right? Like, they got — they got dude wipes. I want that, but, you know, tampons."

STORE CLERK: "For men?"

UNKNOWN: "Yeah."

STORE CLERK: "You want tampons for men?"

UNKNOWN: "Yeah."


UNKNOWN: "Are you saying that you guys don’t carry that?"

STORE CLERK: "I don't think we have those."

UNKNOWN: "So what you’re saying is that you're not inclusive or — "

STORE CLERK: "Um, definitely not. I — I think that they just have these here. I think these are uni — unisex, so everyone can utilize them. It's kind of, like, for all people."

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