
Trump Calls $354 Million Fraud Fine Against Him ‘A Form of Navalny’

‘It is a form of communism or fascism’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "It is a form of Navalny, it is a form of communism or fascism. The guy is a nut job. I have known this for a long time and I've said it openly. No jury, no anything. Letitia James is a horrible attorney general in New York, campaigned on 'I will get Trump, I will get Trump.' We went through a trial, it turned out we're totally innocent on everything, and he fined me $355 million plus interest and other things. 355! And what we did — in fact, my financial statements were conservative. Everybody made money. There was no victim. The bank gets up and says, 'We love this guy.'"

(via Mediaite)

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