
Trump Goes on About How Chris Christie Is ‘Not a Fat Pig’ as Rally Crowd Laughs Along with Him

‘Please take that back’
By Grabien Staff

(via Mediaite)

Donald Trump said on Saturday that 2024 Republican primary campaign opponent former Governor Chris Christie is “not a fat pig” while speaking to a rally crowd in New Hampshire.

Trump spoke for about an hour and a half at the rally in Claremont, New Hampshire, covering much of the ground he usually covers.

At one point while telling the same tall tales about having won in the 2020 election that he lost, Trump claimed he heard something from someone in the crowd and began to riff on it.

“Who said that? Who said that?” said Trump, pointing to somewhere in the crowd. He then pointed to a slightly different spot in the crowd and said, “And by the way, there’s somebody else said something.”

“They said, this man said something he shouldn’t say. I won’t defend it,” Trump said performatively. “He said Chris Christie is a fat pig.”

He then laid the routine on thick.

“You, you cannot say that, sir. You can — Please, please take that back. Please take that back,” as the crowd laughed uproariously. “No, no, no, no. He said Chris Christie is a fat pig. You cannot do that.”

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