
Trump: Hillary ‘Sees People of Color Only as Votes, Not as Human Beings’

‘Our government has totally failed our African-American friends’
By Grabien Staff

DONALD TRUMP in Akron, Ohio: "We are also going to reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton, who sees people of color only as votes and not as human beings worthy of a better future. ... Our government has totally failed our African-American friends. ... What do you have to lose? I will straighten it out. I’ll bring jobs back. We’ll bring spirit back. We’ll get rid of the crime. You’ll be able to walk down the street without getting shot. Right now you walk down the street, you get shot. Look at the statistics. We’ll straighten it out. ... If you keep voting for the same failed politicians, you will keep getting the same results. They don’t care about you. They just like you once every four years. Get your vote and then they say, bye-bye."

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