
Trump: If You Spill a Drop of American Blood, We Will Spill a Gallon of Yours

‘We had no problem 3 years ago’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “When I’m back in the White House, America’s enemies will now once again — and they’re going to know it — that, if you try to kill our citizens, we will kill you. We will kill you. I told them all that. We had no problem. You know, we had no problem. Three years ago, we had no problem. For four years, nobody even — this is unthinkable. I mean, I just watch and see what’s happening, it’s unthinkable. This couldn’t have happened. Mark — couldn’t have happened, although you maybe were more deeply involved than anybody, but I don’t think you even believed a thing like this could have happened, Mark. If you spill a drop of American blood, we will spill a gallon of yours. We do not — (applause).”

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