
Trump Invites onto Stage Democrat Whom He Saw on Fox News Who Voted for Him

‘Every one of these people love you, sir’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "By the way, so, this morning, I'm watching Fox News."
[Cheers and applause]
TRUMP: "And they had some people on, and these were Democrats that voted for trump, and so far, if anything, they have gotten even more committed. But they had a man on this morning -- they had a man on this morning who was a Democrat his whole life. He voted as a Democrat. But he voted for it -- I say "Us," I don't mean "Me." He voted for us in the last 2016 election. And they said to him, so if the election were held now again, what would you do? And he effectively said, man, what I vote for trump again even faster."
[Cheers and applause]
TRUMP: "So his name is Gino Difabio. Where is Gino? Gino, get over here. Gino! Yes."

DiFABRIO: "You know, anybody knows me, friends of mine, they know how it has been since President Trump started running with the election, how much I supported this guy, how much I love this guy. I said, this guy has got something. He is the real deal. Everybody else came, and say, or going to fight for you, we are fighting for you. Well, this is Youngstown, Mr. President, but this is also the steel valley. Every one of these people love you, sir. And I don't want to see it now seem silly, but I thought, what would I say to the president if I got to meet him. I've thought, I'm just going to tell him something. And, sir, like I said, thank you for justice Gorsuch on the Supreme Court. Right? That started it all. And then, I apologize, I said, Mr. President, thank you for Melania. Could we have a better -- could we have a more outstanding first lady? I'm probably going to be in trouble with my wife, but God bless that woman.."

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