
Trump Lawyer: ‘This Is Election Interference,’ ‘This Is the Biden Political Lawfare’

‘It is a deflection from everything that they have done’
By Grabien Staff


HABBA: “The fact that I am standing here for the third time in five months is not a coincidence. This is the Biden political lawfare that we have seen time and time again. It is a deflection from everything that they have done. And if you don’t believe me, look at the facts. On March 17, Hunter accidentally admits that it was his laptop from hell. The next day, DA Alvin Bragg indicts President Trump. June 8, an FBI document is released showing that the Ukrainians paid the Biden crime family millions and millions of dollars. The next day, the Mar-a-Lago raid and the Mar-a-Lago indictment. Last week, Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal fell through when the judge realized it had blanket immunity. The following day, a superseding indictment against Donald Trump.”

(Via Breitbart)

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