
Trump to North Korea: ‘Do Not Try Us’

‘To this day it continues to launch missiles over the sovereign territory of Japan and all other neighbors’
By Grabien Staff

TRUMP: "To this day it continues to launch missiles over the sovereign territory of Japan and all other neighbors. Tests nuclear devices and develop icbms to threaten the United States itself. The regime has interpreted America's past restraint as weakness. This would be a fatal miscalculation. This is a very different administration than the united States has had in the past. Today I hope I speak not only for our countries, but for all civilized nations when I say to the north, do not north do not underestimate us. We did not choose to draw here on this -- -- On this magnificent convention, a thin line that runs around the world and through time. But here it was drawn and here it remains to this day. It is the line between peace and war, between decency and depravity, between law and tyranny, between hope and total despair. It is a line that has been drawn many times throughout history. To hold that line is a choice free nations have always had to make."

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