
Trump on Classified Docs: ‘I Didn’t Have to Hand Them Over’

‘But second of all, I would’ve done that’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "First of all, I didn’t have to hand them over. But second of all, I would have done that. We were talking, and then all of a sudden they raided Mar-a-Lago. Do you remember, they said, 'Could you put an extra lock on the door?' We showed them where they were. We showed them. Unlike being under a Corvette in a little garage with the door open all the time. We had these things locked. We were surrounded all the time by many Secret Service agents. We had Secret Service all over Mar-a-Lago. You couldn’t take anything out. But what happened, and when you take a look, Biden didn’t have the Presidential Records Act. He is at great jeopardy, really. But they said, look, he is incompetent to go to court, but he can be president. Figure that one. In other words, he can’t represent himself at court because he is incompetent, but he can be president."

(Via Mediaite)

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