
Trump Praises Terrorist Group Hezbollah as ‘Very Smart, They’re All Very Smart’

‘I hope Hezbollah doesn’t attack from the north’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "And then two nights ago, I read all of Biden security people. Can you imagine, national defense people, and they said, 'Gee, I hope Hezbollah as an attack from the north, because that most vulnerable spot.' I said, 'Wait a minute. You know, Hezbollah is very smart, they’re all very smart.' The process doesn't like when I say they're smart. You know, I said that President Xi of China, 1.4 billion people, he controls it with an iron fist. I said, 'He’s a very smart man.' They killed me the next day. I said he was smart! What am I gonna say? But Hezbollah, they're very smart and they have a national defense minister or somebody saying, 'I hope Hezbollah doesn’t attackers from the north.' So the following morning, they attack 'em. They might not have been doing it, but if you listen to this jerk, you would attack from the north because he said, 'That’s our weak spot.'"

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