
Trump Slams New York Civil Fraud Trial as ‘Unconstitutional Witch Hunt’ and ‘Election Interference’

‘It’s a very unfair trial’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "Well, thank you very much. As you know, we consider this unconstitutional witch hunt. It's election interference at the highest level. It's a disgrace. It's in coordination with the White House and Joe Biden, because he can't win a campaign fairly. And we're going through it, but is indeed a terrible witch hunt. We're going to have a news conference a little bit later on. As you know, I want to speak, I want to make the summation. At this moment, the judge is not letting me make the summation, because I bring up things that he doesn't want to hear. And it's very unfair trial. Nobody's seen anything like this. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. We have a situation where a statute was used that doesn't give me a jury. So I have no jury. I really have no rights. And it's -- nobody -- nobody thinks it's constitutional. People, legal scholars, are writing about it, like it's something they've never seen before. So it's interference. It's political interference, and something that shouldn't be allowed.”


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