
Trump Supporter on Assault of Michelle Fields: Reporter ‘Clearly Has an Axe to Grind’

‘No one apparently saw it, other than this one Washington Post reporter’
By Grabien Staff

Trial lawyer and Donald Trump supporter David Wolf appeared last on Fox News' "The Kelly File" and accused the female Breitbart reporter roughed up at a recent Trump rally of lying.

The reporter, Michelle Fields, "clearly has an axe to grind," Wohl said.

Here's a rush transcript:

KELLY: “David, what do you make of this? Bacause, you know, in light of the audio that ‘POLITICO’ is reporting, and that the pictures and her testimonial testimonials, as a lawyer, how do you see it?”
WOHL: “You know, Megyn, I have to say this whole thing from beginning doesn’t look good to me. The reality is, there were dozens of people around. No one saw it other than this one ‘Washington Post’ reporter. There were 100 cameras, none of them caught anything. I’ve had cases like this in the past. They really trouble me. Rather than making a formal report to the Trump campaign or filing a police report, what do it that do? They put Lewandowski and by association Donald Trump on trial in the court of social media. Where there is no burden of proof. So you can get on there, go on Twitter. At the end of that tape, if you listen closely, the reporter said I’m going to make a story out of this tomorrow morning and that’s what he did. This is a reporter that has an axe to grind with Donald Trump. He wrote a story that was very dismissive and very demeaning. So I have a big problem with this. It’s a he said/she said. There’s nothing much more to it, when you consider it’s the credibility of one witness.”
KELLY: “Let me follow up with you on that. Under that theory of this matter, were they acting when they had that exchange on tape? They had — do you think that’s not genuine when he was saying wow, are you OK?”
WOHL: “I think Michelle fields clearly did not see who grabbed her, if anyone did grab her. She then referred to — she deferred to her friend, that ‘Washington Post’ reporter, who said yes, it was Lewandowski. Donald Trump is under attack on multiple levels. On political, economic, social, on a personal level. And this is a way to get at him, that reporter knew that, and the reality is, if it was a real legitimate assault or battery, you file a police report. You don’t tweet it out and then 36 hours later tweet out pictures of bruises that Lewandowski caused. I’m not buying it.”

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