
Trump Thanks the Military on Thanksgiving

‘We aren’t fighting anymore to just walk around, we’re fighting to win’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "As we give thanks for this holiday I know I speak on behalf of all Americans when I say we totally support you, in fact, we love you. We really do, we love you. And this is a Thanksgiving that you won’t forget because you are at a very different part of the world than you’re used to but boy are you doing a job there. And thank God for you. Thank God for you. We also want to give thanks to our loved ones, our amazing military families. I know they miss you and they miss you so deeply and so badly. They are every bit as important as everyone else you work with because they put up with so much. They put up with the time away and all of those things that they have to endure. And they endure it because they love our country and because they love you. And believe me, I know so much about military families. They respect and appreciate what you are doing for this country and they respect and appreciate what you are doing for them as a family. So your families love you and they miss you. And again I’m going to now — I’m surrounded by reporters and press and I am going to ask them to leave and we are going to have very confidential personal conversations. We’re set up for that. You know, it's really wonderful what technology does.”

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