
Trump: The Last Thing ‘Incompetent’ Biden Admin Should Be Doing Is Risking Nuclear War by Accepting Ukraine into NATO

‘Joe Biden can’t even walk a flight of stairs on Air Force One and he can’t put two sentences together’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "And we have a corrupt, compromised president, crooked Joe Biden, who is dragging us into World War III — that’s what’s happening — on behalf of a nation that paid his family, millions and millions of dollars in obvious bribes. All you have to do is take a look at how much China, how much Ukraine have paid the Biden family. It’s a total disgrace and a very dangerous one. Under these circumstances, the notion that we would even consider admitting Ukraine into NATO at this time is completely unhinged. Joe Biden can’t even walk up a flight of stairs on Air Force One and he can’t put two sentences together. The last thing that this incompetent administration should be doing is risky war with a nuclear-armed Russia or China or other countries. We have somebody that doesn’t have a clue representing us."

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