
Trump: ‘When There Is a Crash, I Hope It’s Going to Be During this Next 12 Months’

‘I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "If you want to buy a home today, your middle income and you wanna go out to a bank, the banks, number one, don’t have money. And if they do have money, they’re loaning it at 9 and 10 and 11 percent or not loaning it really at all. We have an economy that’s incredible. We have an economy, that’s so fragile, and the only reason it’s running now is it’s running off the fumes of what we did, what the Trump adm — it's just running off the fumes. And when there’s a crash, I hope it’s gonna be during this next 12 months, because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover."

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