
Trump: Why Should I Debate Candidates Polling at Zero? ‘It’s Actually Not Fair’

‘Ronald Reagan didn’t do it, and a lot of other people didn’t do it’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “Well, you know, it’s quite an easy question normally. Ronald Reagan didn’t do it and a lot of other people didn’t do it. When you have a big lead, you don’t do it. We have a lead of 50 and 60 points in some cases, and some of these people are at zero. Ron DeSanctis, as I call him, or DeSanctimonious, is down to — he’s in the teens now, and I’m at 50 and 60 and 65, and even saw one today at 70. So you’re leading people by 50 and 60 points and you say, why would you be doing a debate? It’s actually not fair. Why would you let somebody that’s at zero or 1 or 2 or 3 be popping you with questions?”

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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