
Trump: ‘With His Illegal Invasion, Biden Is Trying to Destroy the Meaning of American Citizenship’

‘Our country is being invaded by 15 million people, it might be 20 million by the time we get crooked Joe Biden out of office’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "With his illegal invasion, crooked Joe Biden is trying to destroy the meaning of American citizenship. Under my leadership, we’re going to reassert the basic benefits of citizenship because we believe that being an American citizen is something very special in that American citizens must come first and America must come first. That’s why we call it America first. That means we’re going to have strong borders to protect the lives of our people instead of accepting millions and millions of migrants with fraudulent asylum claims from all over the world. They’re coming in at a level that we’ve never seen before, they’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. They’re coming from prisons and jails and they’re terrorists. They coming in at levels that nobody can believe. We’re going to stop it, we’re going to stop it immediately and we’re going to go back to sanity. Our country is being invaded by 15 million people, it might be 20 million by the time we get crooked Joe Biden out of office.”

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