
Tuberville Predicts ‘A 9/11 Attack Every Few Weeks’ Because of Biden’s Policies

‘It is out of control’
By Grabien Staff

(Via Mediaite)


TUBERVILLE: “Eric, it is going to get us in so much trouble. We're going to have a 9/11 attack every few weeks if we don't watch it. It is out of control. But this group could care less. I -- you know, being a senator, you know, I'm not a senator, I -- I -- I was an educator. And I'm up here watching what's going on and I'm thinking, 'You know, who cares? Who cares about the American people? Who cares about the taxpayers of this country? I can't find anybody on both sides of the aisle. It's about spending damn money. And I'm -- I'm sick of it.”


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