
Tucker on Biden Saying You Can’t Get Covid if You’re Vaccinated: Finally, a Definition of Misinformation

‘All of us are going to have to make sacrifices in this war’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: “Almost daily, Joe Biden’s battle hardened plaque mounts the podium at the White House with updates on the conflict’s progress. Last week, his spokes bot informed the press corps that the campaign against disinformation has encountered serious and unexpected setbacks. This information on a series of bloody skirmishes on cable news and social media. Thousands of Americans died. But the commander in chief is not giving up. Indeed, Joe Biden has just begun to fight. Going forward, the first Amendment will be suspended until further notice. And if misinformation appears on your Facebook page or in your Twitter feed or even in your private text messages, Joe Biden will summarily execute misinformation. He will hunt it down and kill it himself. This is total war. All of us are going to have to make sacrifices in this war. The question is, what does the enemy look like? To this point, no one in authority has provided a clear description of misinformation. The White House has still not defined what it is or what it looks like, like extremism and white supremacy, misinformation is an elastic and mysterious term. Like the viacom, it appears out of nowhere, from the night it’s off to take our lives. We hate misinformation with all our hearts but we can’t really describe it not that we need to, really.”

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