
Tucker Calls Jen Psaki ‘Little Fascist’ and ‘Spokeschick’

‘Hey, you little fascist, that is a threat’
By Grabien Staff


[clip starts]
PSAKI: "This disclaimer, it's a positive step, but we want every platform to continue doing more to call out misinformation and disinformation, while also uplifting accurate information. (...) But ultimately, you know, our view is, it's a good step, it's a positive step, but there's more that can be done."
[clip ends]

CARLSON: "There's more that can be done? Hey, you little fascist, that's a threat. That's exactly what it is. Politicians and their spokeschicks didn't use to talk this way, they were not allowed to talk this way because the First Amendment explicitly prohibits it. You're not allowed to use government power to shut down broadcasters who criticize you, period. And now that's exactly what they're trying to do.”

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