
Tucker Continues to Mock Idea of Racist Trees in California

‘Is it coincidence that a pine tree resembles a klansman hood?’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: "--Trees at a local golf course as being racist. We have been seeing those kind of trees everywhere. Is it coincidence that a pine tree resembles a klansmanhood what was the weeping willow weep for if not the end of Jim crow are not other trees complicit in this radio host joins us. Larry, what’s going out there in Palm Springs if you could sum it up for us?" 
ELDER: "I think it’s climate change. It’s hard to say, tucker. This is California. This is where the governor just signed hike up the wages to $15 an hour after admitting that minimum wage measures don’t make much economic sense closed quotes. Go figure. It’s about making black people feel better about the past about Jim crow and slavery as if that’s the issue facing black America. A news bulletin for 30 or 40 years blacks score higher on self-esteem. The suicide rates for whites is higher than for blacks. The issue is not whether blacks feel good or bad about themselves. What do we do about that part of black America not doing well. The number one problem facing white America is not nothing to do with white racism or racist trees. Black kids are raced without fathers. I didn’t say it Obama said it a kid raised without a dad is five times more likely to be poor. Nine times more likely to drop out of school, 20 times more likely to end up in jail. What’s making so many women marry the government and men abandon moral responsibility. That ought to be the conversation but it isn’t."

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