
Tucker Destroys WaPo’s Erik Wemple: ‘I Don’t See You as a Media Critic’; You’re a ‘Political Hack’

‘How can you attack others when you do not know that your own paper takes money paid for by the Russian government?’
By Grabien Staff


WEMPLE: "My direct boss is Fred Hyatt."
CARLSON: "Does he say, 'Good job, Erik Wemple. Really insightful?' Does he ever say that? I'm wondering." 
WEMPLE: "I wouldn’t quote him and I don't appreciate the puerile angle inquiry here." 
CARLSON: "It's not puerile, it's sincere because I don't see you as a media critic. I see you as a political hack acting out his political beliefs on paper with the cover of media criticism. Everyone who reads you knows that. Do your editors know that? Do they read it and say, 'You are really covering the media straight,' do they think that?" 

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