
Tucker: Eric Swalwell Who Had Sexual Relations with a Chinese Spy Has Always Spoken Like a Man Who Knew the Subject Very Well

‘She was photographed with him at political events several times’
By Grabien Staff


SWALWELL: “A Chinese intelligence agent called Fang Fang, or she renamed herself when she came to this country, Christine Fang, became a force within the Democratic Party of California. Along the way she cultivated the number of Democratic office holders. Fang had sexual relationships with at least two of them, identified in the Axios story as mayors from Midwestern cities. Fang also began a relationship with a man called Eric Swalwell. You may recognize that name. Eric Swalwell is a member of the United States Congress. Swalwell sits on the House Intelligence Committee. He is privy to this country's most closely held secrets. Fang’s relationship with Swalwell began in 2012. Like so many Chinese spies, Fang used college as her cover.”

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