
Tucker on Report FBI Investigate Trump for Being a Possible Russian Agent: ‘Don’t Criticize the FBI, Very Unwise’

‘They might open an investigation into you without your knowledge into something appalling’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: “Trace Gallagher, thank you for that. So if you are keeping track at home and get a pen and paper because this is worth remembering. This is why you should never criticize the F.B.I. You think it’s your birthright as an American. You can do it. I wouldn’t try it, though. They might open an investigation into you without your knowledge into something appalling. Maybe it’s beating your wife or dealing fentanyl to kids or betraying your country with Vladimir Putin. You don’t have to have done it. But two years later they can leak they were investigating you for a crime they didn’t commit or they found no evidence you committed and they never charged you for it. The way the system is supposed it doesn’t matter because you’re instantly discredited. Don’t criticize the F.B.I. Very unwise.”

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