
Tucker: Russia Collusion Hoax ‘Was Lies, All Lies’

‘We knew what we knew, but she didn’t know anything’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: “We have very good intelligence on Russia. Said Dr. Evelyn Farkas. We knew what we knew, but she didn’t know anything. Farkas was lying, as purely as a liar can lie. Once under oath, behind closed doors, Farkas admitted that “I didn’t know anything.” It was all lies, literally all of it. Even the court claims about hacking that formed the basis of the entire story and the investigation that followed. In 2016, during the campaign, someone stole information from the DNC email server that embarrassed Hillary Clinton. Democrats quickly blamed that on Russia and Donald Trump. In fact, there was never real evidence that that actually happened. The DNC, you will remember, never allowed federal investigators to inspect their email servers. That’s on behavior for people who claim to be the victims. Instead, the servers were inspected by a third party company called crowd to strike, all of this coming back to you?”

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