
Tucker: We’re Hiding the Truth About JFK Assassination Because It Implicates Institutions, Not Individuals

‘We should never hide the truth from the population in a democracy’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: "Biden's just reclassified the Kennedy documents 60 years after his assassination. No one, even peripherally involved is still alive. So what could possibly be the sources and methods that were supposedly showing the world by declassifying? These are so outdated, they're irrelevant. They were using disappearing ink in 1963. So why in the world would we be continuing to hide the truth about the Kennedy assassination 60 years later? And of course, the answer is obvious. Because it implicates not individuals, but institutions, and -- and reveals them as -- as -- as complicit in a -- in a murder, and in the overthrow of the U.S. government. And the U.S. government is complicit in the overthrow of the U.S. government. And that's the truth.”


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